Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of Republic Indonesia
Number 129 of 2014 about home schooling
Article 4
(1) After the students accomplish the examination of national education standards, the results of Home Schooling Education are recognized the same as formal and non-formal education.
(2) Every student who has accomplished his/her study which is equivalent to the result of formal and non-formal education as referred to in verse (1) has the same and equal eligibility rights to be able to register at higher educational units and/or enter the workforce.
It is a grace for the Indonesian and parents who really care about the quality of their children’s education, where the goal is not just to make a living but the children can contribute to the nation and the world in the future!
Since time immemorial, we inherit Gurukula system in our education where the Teachers and Students live together as family, therefore, learning process is truly pervasive so that the students become excellent and independent in all fields.
In 2020, we accept Junior High School Graduates to continue their education to senior high school level using Gurukula concept to create new Bung Karno, Hatta, Kartini and even Gajah Mada and Raden Wijaya.
UNESCO believes that in order to prepare young people for life and work in a rapidly changing world, secondary-level education systems need to be re-oriented to impart a broad repertoire of life-skills. These skills should include the key generic competencies, nonoccupation-specific practical capabilities, ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), the ability to learn independently, to work in teams, entrepreneurship and civic responsibility.
We prepare our senior students not only with the general knowledge for high school level but also basic life skills that they can develop to make a living, such as hydroponic farming, design graphic, photography, Ayurvedic, etc.
Are you ready to be part of this Noble Program? Those who are challenged to make their child complete human being – please contact:
Jalan Pura Mertasari IV, Sunset Road
Gelogor Carik, Pemogan, Denpasar, Bali 80361
Telepon: +62361 8947 246info@oneearthschool.org