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Schooling for Life, Not for Living Alone
One Earth School was initiated by Swami Anand Krishna to bring about change within the education system. It was established in order to build the character of the next generation that will grow holistically by being able to cultivate the wisdom of the past whilst facing globalization’s challenges wisely without losing their own identities
- April 13, 2018A Visit by the Alumni of Sri Sathya Sai School Puttaparthi - 1st Bach Primary
- March 23, 2018Visit by Mr Laurentz & Miss Laura Kappes from Germany, and Miss Tamara from Holland
Ni Putu Mira Kristin, Parent
Satu setengah tahun kebersamaan dengan OES memberikan banyak kesan yang mendalam bagi saya. Rasa kekeluargaan dan keramahan yang begitu kuat, dan tentunya berpengaruh pada kemandirian, serta karakter anak-anak. Semoga selalu terjalin rasa ini di OES. Maju terus OES. Bersama kita munculkan yang terbaik dalam diri anak.
Sri Lestari, Parent
Saya bangga dengan tumbuh kembang anak saya. Sistim pendidikan OES telah membantunya menjadi anak yang mandiri... Terima kasih kepada pengelola dan para guru OES.
Dayu Patalina, Parent
We entrust our children in your hand. In One Earth School they learn to be independent yet caring to other. The fun and happy learning method; good relation of teacher, student, and parent; and above all the value based education system becomes the foundation of the character building, to prepare them with knowledge and wisdom to face the challenges in the global world without loosing their identity. Thank you One Earth School.
I Made Astika, Parent
Since the very young age our children have become One Earth School's student. The development is tangible, they are very communicative and friendly; adaptive to new environment; they learn to share with other; their English is improving significantly; and creative. In One Earth School they were taught in a family-like circumstance, save and secure...
Nyoman Sri Aryana, Kraanti's Father
Salah satu tolok ukur kesuksesan sekolah bagi saya adalah saat anak memiliki semangat untuk berangkat sekolah. Anak saya selalu semangat berangkat sekolah. Saya juga memperhatikan kedekatan emosional dengan guru-gurunya sangat baik. Anak saya tumbuh menonjol di antara anak sebayanya dari segi tanggung jawab dan cara berpikirnya. Semua itu berkat OES. Terima kasih OES.
Kadek Ernayanti, Parent
One Earth School not only set the foundation of academic education, but mental education as well. Preparing them to become an excellence individu, and the most important is they learn to appreciate and respect fellow human being with all their diversity...