I have had the opportunity to visit and know personally the best of #oneearthschool, its teachers, its children and the teenagers. I have been amazed not only to observe and hear that much of the educational weight is focused on values, but also from getting to know some of the students I experienced an awareness that the school has been based on the vision of its founder, the great Anand Krishna, “One Earth, One Sky, One Humankind” which is his interpretation of “Vasudaiva Kutumbakam”, an ancient maxim of Sanskrit – this whole world is just a big family.
Hopefully we could bring the Spanish public school closer to this way of teaching, not only for reading and mathematics but to better the values from which we can and must teach: to be the best people we can be.
It is from here that I ask for all the support that can be offered from Spanish Institutions and educational entities for the One Earth School Project.