Unity in Diversity
This world, indeed, is our School, and Life is the very Lesson we have to learn. In other words, school is not merely a compound of buildings, but a place, an environment, and the circumstances, in which we live and grow. As the Founder of the School, Guruji Anand Krishna reminded us during the Parenting Seminar held on May 1st 2012, a child learns not only from or in the school, but also from its parents, and from the society.
So, the imparting of education is not solely the task of our educational institutions alone, but also of the parents, and society – the entire social system. Anand Krishna Education Foundation, through its pioneer project, the One Earth School, strives to unite all these forces and potentials for the betterment of students.
We understand that each child is unique, in the sense that each child is gifted with certain unique qualities and potentials. So, at One Earth School, first and foremost we try to identify those hidden potentials in each child, this is something that is often neglected by other traditional, conventional schools – where all children are treated in a uniform manner.
We do facilitate each child to further develop those qualities and potentials for the betterment of not only his/her personal life, but also for the betterment of society, and the entire world.
First and foremost however, we help to enhance the humanness inherent within each child. We help them to reflect their human qualities in day to day life.
Through Awareness-Seminars and Workshops conducted by our Parents’ and Teachers’ Association (PTA), we are ever engaged in reminding ourselves – the teachers and parents – of our joint responsibility to bring up our children in such a manner that they grow holistically – physically, mentally, emotionally, intellectually, socially, and spiritually.
Above all, what makes the One Earth School unique is that from very early childhood, we introduce our children to the beauties of diversity and differences. We encourage them, as our Founder often reminds us, “to appreciate such differences, not merely tolerate them.”
All this, the entire learning process is undertaken, achieved, or rather, accomplished, very playfully and joyfully. It is learning without tears for our children, and teaching lovingly for our teachers.
Our teachers come from different religious and ethnic backgrounds, so do our children. This is the strength of our school, of our system. Here, we work together in unison to practice the universal human value of unity.
Yes, we believe in Unity. We believe that Unity is Strength. This is what “One Earth” is all about. This is how we try to prepare our children to meet the challenges of life collectively with fellow human beings, with self-confidence, and a smile on their lips.
We heartily welcome you to One Earth School – an Experience, you, as a Teacher, a Parent, a Student, or just a visitor will always cherish with joy!