
“A teacher will able to reach the highest ideal, as long as they are cooperative, highly disciplined, willing to get involved in selfless service activities and is fully determined to succeed. A teacher should not count their working hours, instead, if necessary they need to be ready to stay as long as possible in order to eradicate their pupil’s doubts and help them to finish their task. This is your task”
“If a teacher is able to play their role well, then a whole nation will transform.”
(Excerpts from the book: Bringing the Best in the Child, by Swami Anand Krishna, a snippet of Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s article on Education).
Teachers at One Earth School always do a brief meditation session before starting learning activities in class.


“The influence of Parents on the mindset of a child is highly significant. Actually, this influence will primarily be seen on the child’s upbringing and actions. Parents have the main responsibility to shape their children’s character. Don’t translate your love into giving the child too much freedom.”
“Love which is out of place is to let a child do whatever they want at home carelessly. At home, the mother and father should continue what the children have been taught by their teacher.”
(Excerpts from the book: Bringing the Best in the Child, by Swami Anand Krishna, a snippet of Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s article on Education).
In order to strengthen the parent’s role in continuing the vision and mission of the school. One Earth School regularly conducts a program titled: Parenting with Love and Wisdom.